Bow Valley Road Conditions is a very useful Facebook page where people post information about current road conditions across the Bow Valley. Recently, we responded to a post that brought to light confusion over use of the pedestrian/cycling bridge beside Bridge St., crossing the Bow River. This bridge is an important connection for the town’s pedestrian and cycling network and it has been designed for people to both cycle and walk on.
We encourage the following behavior on and near the Bow Valley Pedestrian/Cycling bridge:
Everyone to keep to the right to allow those travelling faster to pass on the left
- People on bikes to go slow and call out “passing on the left”
- Those on foot with small children to keep them well to the right
- Everyone to walk across the busy crosswalk at the bridge
- Drivers to wait until pedestrians have reached the other side before proceeding through the crosswalk
People can walk across or bike across crosswalks, but under the law, only those crossing on foot have the right-of-way. Canmore Community Cruisers encourage people on bikes to dismount to cross at busy crosswalks, like the one in question and cycle with caution over crossings on bike routes on quiet streets.
We LOVE the new on-ramp onto Bridge St. from the pedestrian/cycling bridge that makes it easier, quicker, and safer to merge onto the road while greatly improving the flow of traffic for motor vehicles. Drivers no longer have to stop when they see a person on a bike, wondering if they are waiting to cross over on the cross walk or are waiting to join them on the road.
Its also important for people on bikes to remember that cycling on sidewalks is only allowed for children under 12 and parents accompanying them unless it is specifically marked that cycling is permitted. One place where all are allowed to cycle on the sidewalk is along the very busy Benchlands Trail where it is clearly indicated with graphics painted on the sidewalk.
The Canmore Community Cruisers support the fantastic work the Town of Canmore is doing to create a bike and pedestrian friendly community. Consider joining us for our Cruisin’ Saturday morning bike rides ideal for people looking to get more comfortable using our pathways and roads. Check out our events page for more details on the next Cruisin’ Saturday morning bike rides.